Do i need planning to convert my garage to a room?

Planning permission is not usually required to convert your garage into additional habitable space (room) for your home, providing the work is internal and does not require enlarging the building.
However, there are cases where permitted development rights have been removed by a condition which may prevent a garage from being able to be converted without planning permission. This is often a case if your property is located in a housing estate or leasehold property.
A condition attached to planning permission may also require that the garage retained as a parking space. In such cases, you will need to apply for permission to vary or remove the condition.
What to do if permitted development rights have been taken away
In cases where permitted development rights have been revoked by a condition attached to previous planning permission, you will need to submit a planning application to vary or remove that condition.
With such applications, the Council may need to consider, amongst other things, whether the loss of the parking space within the garage would have a harmful impact upon highway safety.
If you wish to know if your property has had its 'permitted development' rights for garage conversions removed you can email your local council. There is usually a fee for this service.
Does a Garage Conversion Need Building Regulations Approval?
Yes. Garage conversions fall into ‘change of use’ and require building regulations approval. The flowing should be considered when designing a garage conversion to a habitable space:
Structural alterations
moisture proofing
escape routes
The local council should be notified of the forthcoming project by submitting a building notice or full plans application.
Prior to starting works on site, a building inspector will come to visually inspect the windows, doors, fireproofing measures and foundations before they will offer a certificate of completion.
Contact us today to get a quote for garage conversion to a habitable space by email: If you require to talk to a specialist for further advice call us on 020 3887 2929